Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperatives Beet Pulp Pellets are the fibrous portions of thesugar beet left after the sugars are removed. It is mechanically pressed, dried to reduce themoisture content to approximately 9% and then palletized into a 5/16-inch pellet. The fiber inBeet Pulp Pellets is highly digestible making it a good non-starch energy source.Typical Analysis:Dry Basis As FedDry Matter 100.00 91.50 %Moisture 0.00 8.50 %Protein, Crude 9.21 8.42 %TDN 74.08 67.78 %ADF - Acid Detergent Fiber 22.71 20.78 %NEL - Net Energy Lactation 77.04 70.49 Mcal/lbNEG - Net Energy Gain 51.79 47.38 Mcal/lbNEM - Net Energy Maintenance 80.00 73.20 Mcal/lbTDN - Total Digestible Nutrients 74.08 67.78 %Fat (Ether Extract) 0.70 0.64 %Ash 6.22 5.69 %Crude Fiber 18.17 16.62 %Calcium 1.72 1.57 %Phosphorus 0.08 0.073 %Potassium 0.36 0.33 %Sulfur 0.38 0.35 %Total Sugars 9.56 8.75 %Boron 45.00 41.17 ppmManganese 86.00 78.70 ppmZinc 21.00 19.21 ppmCooper 16.00 14.64 ppmIron 308.00 281.82 ppmAluminum 259.00 236.98 ppmSodium 911.00 833.56 ppm
Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperatives Beet Pulp Pellets |