frozen whole baked
Baked potatoes have been a long time favorite in the U.S. and around the world. We have eliminated the lengthy cook time by providing a frozen, oven ready product. These potatoes
can be baked in the oven and are also microwaveable. With consistent sizes and allowing for minimum labor, these frozen baked potatoes are a natural for ease and convenience.
Sizes available:
3 oz, 4 oz, 5 oz, 6 oz, 7 oz.
frozen twice baked stuffed potatoes
We scoop out the inside of the potato, blend it with delicious ingredients, and then re-fill the shell with the scrumptious potato mixture. The potato is then lightly baked. The
result is a wice-baked?stuffed potato that will add excitement to any meal. Course, because of the wonderful ingredients added to the potato, you may just want to eat it as a meal
in itself.
Flavors available:
Cheddar Cheese, Sour Cream & Cheese, Sour Cream &
Chives, Gourmet, customized blends
Sizes available:
4 oz, 5 oz, 7 oz.
frozen potato skins
Potato skins are the perfect appetizer, with their crispy half shell and just enough potato for that delicious flavor. Minimum labor, no waste and fryer ready. Add your own toppings
to suit your tastes.