Ingredients3/4cup pineapple juice 1tablespoon sugar 1tablespoon lemon juice 1 1/2teaspoons cornstarch 1teaspoon light soy sauce Stir Fry Vegetables4teaspoons vegetable oil 1cup broccoli florets
1cup sliced carrot 1 1/2cup cauliflower florets 1cup sliced celery 1cup chunked red bell pepper 1cup sugar peas, stems removed Directions
- Combine the ingredients for the Sweet 'N' Sour sauce in a mixing bowl.
- Heat oil in a skillet over medium high heat. Add broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, and celery: cook for 2 minutes. Add bell pepper and sugar peas: cook for 2 minutes. Add Sweet 'N' Sour
sauce, bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute, covered. Serve vegetables while hot.
Nutritional Information
Per Serving: 132 calories, 2g protein, 4g fat (1g sat.), 20g carbohydrate, 99mg sodium, 0mg cholesterol