Recent pharmacological and clinicalstudies have shown that Gymnema sylvestre acts on two sites, the taste buds inthe oral cavity50 and the absorptive surface to the intestines. The importantactive ingredient of Gymnema sylvestre is an organic acid called Gymnemicacid. The Gymnemic acid is made up of molecules whose arrangement is similarto that two hours, thereby preventing the taste buds from being activated byany sugar molecules present in the food.
Gymnema: Gymnemic Acid
Studies conducted in Indiaas early as 1930 showed that the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre cause hypoglycemia inexperimental animals. This state of hypoglycemia is explained on the assumptionthat the drug indirectly stimulates insulin secretion of the pancreas, since ithas no direct effect on carbohydrate metabolism.
Gymnema Hypoglycemia
The Latin name Gymnema Sylvestremeans "sugar destroyer" and is considered a herbal remedy for highblood sugar. Traditionally it was recommended for stomach problems,constipation, water retention and liver disease although modern researchcenters around it use for type II diabetes. Gymnema has been clinically provento reduce excessively high blood sugar levels, perhaps as a result of boostingthe production of insulin required to process sugar.
GymnemaSylvestre (Gurmar)
Add3/4 teaspoonful ofDiabetea to a cub of boiling water and brew it for about 7 minutes and strain.No sugar to be added .Add milk or sqeeze a few drops of lime for taste. Thosewith sugar level of 200mg. and above,2 cub of Diabetea can be taken per day along with the medicines already beingadministered. Sugar level should be checked up periodically (Preferably once in 7 days)Once normally is attained theother medicines can be discontinued ,gradually. Diabetea should becontinued for minimum period of 3months.
Directionof use:
Diabeteais made combining the medicinal goodness of Gymnema Sylvestre 60% herb and Camellia Sinensis 40%. Diabetea is a General Health drink and can be used by any normalperson.Once Diabetea is consumed , the tasete of sugar will not be evident forat least one hour.If found unpalatable Deabetea can also be taken orally andwashed down with water.
People in India have beenusing the Gymnema Herb as a sugar killer for centuries Diabetea Control BloodSugar Level Herb MedicineGymnema Description
Gymnema Herbal Tea/ Diabetea
Diabetea is made combining the medicinal goodness of Gymnema Sylvestre 60% herb and Camellia Sinensis 40%. Diabetea is a Gener |