Healing power of Rose Hip have been known from ancient times, our ancestors knew about it even in the times of neolith. Rose Hip is the most valuable vitamin carrier plant in the earth flora. No
one of wild or cultivated plats cant compete with Rose Hip. Rose Hip contains greatest content of vitamin C witch is the most widespread vital element in flora and strongest antioxidant with
multifunctional ability. Its deficiency can bring to decrees of resistance against infections and disturbance of metabolism. Vitamin C is essential for Fe assimilation, and in the assembly with
other vitamins strengthens walls of blood vessels, because of that is essential for cardiovascular diseases prophylactics. Rose Hip is used for flue prophylactics or in case of vitamins deficiency,
is well assimilated by weakened intestines, softens cough, increase appetite, it have a slight purgative and diuretic property. Vitamin C in Rose Hip is 50 times more than in lemon and 100 times
more than in apple! Specifics of Rose Hip is that vitamin C in it is in much more stable form than in other plants and could be preserved in long keeping and heating. Because of that Rose Hip
stimulate formation of antibodies increasing organism resistance against different infections with high temperature, in case of poor healing wounds. Rose Hip is also the first between plants in
content of carotinoids. It have a high content of vitamin K witch normalizes fibrillation, its pulp contains a huge quantity of vitamin P witch strengthens blood vessels, up to 2900mg in 100g
vitamins B1, B2 witch plays an important role in nervous system. Also its seeds contains vitamin E. Rose Hip contains minerals such as K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, P, Cu, Zn, S. It also contains sugar,
pectin, essential oils, acids. Rich collection of vitamins and vital elements makes Rose Hip one of most effective and useful for our health remedy. However for correct preparation of healthy drink
from Rose Hip we need a high quality stuff (not all Rose Hip types contains those essential for life compounds) and corresponding technologies. To make a healthy, fool of vitamins drink without any
effort can help you Rose Hip natural instant powder from series of MERON tea. It is based on 100% natural products made from Rose Hip alone, or in combination with other fruits, vegetables or
berries, made by special low temperature technology. Natural healthy MERON tea is a complex of most valuable compounds in easily soluble form, and very pleasant by their different flavor of hot
drink. It is health-giving to drink it daily as a stimulation , strengthening hot drink and especially is very useful for tiredness, headache, in trip or on work.
Main properties: It is a strengthening, toning , poly vitamin remedy witch increases capability of working and strengthens immune system. Improves liver work , regulates
functioning gastrointestinal tract, stimulates metabolism. Decreases fragility and permeability of vassals, normalize fibrillation and blood composition, decrees blood pressure. Have
anti-inflammatory, diuretic function. It is used in case of hemophilia, bleeding, radiation disease, anticoagulant over dosage, infectious diseases, liver diseases, Addisons disease, poisoning by
industrial toxins, coronary disease, atherosclerosis and primary hypertension as cholesterol-lowering agent, in case of iron-deficiency or other anomies as an additional source of iron.
How to use: Dissolve content of one stick in 150-200ml of hot water.
Form of production: Boxes of 16 and 32 sticks each contains 3g or 4g of instant powder.
Healing power of Rose Hip have been known from ancient times, our ancestors knew about it even in the times of neolith