Stop Smoking Tea / West Lake Tea
It helps people fight the physical, psychological, and emotional challenges of quitting. The natural supplements and aromatherapy help reduce cravings, calm nerves, and empower smokers with the
confidence to live smoke-free. Extensively used in traditional Chinese medicine for its antitussive, expectorant and other qualities to clear respiratory ducts, stop coughing, and to correct
addictive behavior. It is a detoxifier and system cleanser.
Ingredients: Green Tea,Lotus seed,Ginseng leaf,Asparagi Radix,Licorice root,
Packing: 8 Tea Bags Dosage: Drink 3 cups daily
Manufactured: West Lake brand
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This information is educational in context and is not to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.
Please consult your licensed health care practitioner before using this or any medical information.
It helps people fight the physical, psychological, and emotional challenges of quitting