And Rooibostastes divine! It is less bitter than most teas.
Rooibos is veryversatile! Drink it hot or cold, with or without milk, sugar or honey. Add lemon or mix it with fruit juices for a lovely blend. Rooibos tea is alsoused in cooking and baking. It replaces the liquid content in recipes forsoups, marinades, sauces, stews and cakes for added flavor and nutrition.
Rooibos makes agreat thirst-quencher and sport drink. Because of its mineral content ofiron, potassium, zinc, manganese and sodium, it restores the body's equilibriumafter strenuous exercise.
Rooiboshelps you recoup after a hangover.
Rooibos helpsto control your appetitethus can be beneficial in weight loss.
Rooiboscontains no oxalic acid and can therefore be enjoyed by persons suffering fromkidney stones.
Rooibos isoften prescribed for nervous tension and mild depression as it makes a relaxingsedative.
Rooiboscontains potassium and copper minerals that are necessary for several metabolicfunctions.
Rooibosincreases the absorption of iron in the body.
Rooiboscontains magnesium which is necessary for a healthy nervous system.
Put usedrooibos tea bags in the refrigerator or freezer. After a hard day's work,put on tired or red eyes to soothe and relax.
Rooiboscontains alpha hydroxy acid and zinc for healthy, smooth skin. Thiswonder tea is especially useful when applied to skin irritations like itchyskin, eczema, sunburns, diaper rash and acne.
Rooibos helpspacify infants with colic, stomach cramps and sleeping problems. Simply mix some Rooibos tea with expressedbreast milk or formula. It is 100% natural with no colorants orpreservatives. It is a mother's miracle.
Rooibos helpsto give you strong bones and teeth because of its calcium, manganese andfluoride content.
Have a cup ofRooibos before you get ready for bed to ensure a good night's sleep! Rooibos has been found to help with insomnia, disturbed sleeping patterns andheadaches. It contains no caffeine and has a relaxing effect on the centralnervous system.
Rooibos helpsto relieve stomach ulcers, nausea, constipation, and heartburn.
Rooibos helps delaythe aging process! The aging of our bodies is caused by toxic compoundscalled free radicals which are produced as a by-product of normal cellfunction. These free radicals attack our healthy cells. Over ourlifetime this damage contributes to aging and our immune system weakens. Recently, Japanese scientists have found that Rooibos tea contains a mimic ofthe enzyme Super Oxide Dismutase (S.O.D.), an antioxidant which attacks thefree radicals and limits their damaging effects.
Rooibos istotally pure and natural. It contains no colorants or preservatives.
Studies have shown this tea is comparable to green tea in the amounts ofpolyphenols it contains. It shows anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic,anti-inflammatory and anti-viral activity.
Herbal Tea
Minimum Order Quantity: | 500 Bag/Bags |
Payment Terms: | L/C,T/T |
Type: | Herbal Tea |
Brand Name: | Rooibos |
Place of Origin: | South Africa |
Packaging: | Bag |
Processing Type: | Blended |
Specialty: | Health Tea |
Style: | Tea Bag |