To alleviate occasional constipation and clear the intestine
One pack per day, soak in boiling water for 2 minutes and
a tea bag can be reused several times.
To reduce weight and alleviate lasting constipation
Two packs per day, soak in boiling water for 8 minutes
and a tea bag can be reused several times
* Speed up decomposing neutral fat
* Prevent storing up of neutral fat
* Repress sugar absorbing
* Discharge toxin and urine
* Prevent mouth's off-odor
* Regulate organic balance
* Treat those who suffer from constipation
weight loss japan lingzhi toxin discharged tea consists of Japanese wild red glossy, ganoderma and kinds of creams of the plants, It mainly aims at removing the heaping
up of fat and toxin as well as the straightway of lymph, It also helps to get rid of the problems such as excessive fat and over-secretion of fat, if drunk after meals it helps to improve the
function of intestines and stomach and speed up metabolism. The surplus fat in waist, abdomen and buttocks is taken out in the form of waste. As a result it has the effect of beautifying
oneself, discharging toxin and building up your body.
Feel better and look better, and never have to worry about having a serious weight problem again!Works great for both men and women!
For our weight loss products, you can lose up to 5-10 pounds in 2 days or more while still enjoying the food you love!
weight loss Japan lingzhi toxin discharged tea,slimming tea
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