Blended Tea
All tea comes from the "Camellia sinensis", an evergreen shrub that may grow up to 60 feet in the wild. When cultivated for harvest the tea bushes are kept to a height of about three feet. There
are over 3000 varieties of tea each with its own specific characteristics. The naming and growing of teas has many similarities to wine. Just as Bordeaux wine is named after the Bordeaux region in
France, Assam is named after the Assam region in India, and Keemun is named after the Keemun region of China. Like wine, tea comes from one bush, and where the tea is grown, the climate, soil
conditions, and how the tea is processed, determines the flavor characteristics of the tea.
All tea comes from the "Camellia sinensis", an evergreen shrub that may grow up to 60 feet in the wild
Type: | Assam |
Processing Type: | Blended |