Product Name : Fresh Extra Large Cultivated American Ginseng
Unit:8 oz.
Price : $27.00
FOB Wisconsin
Cultivated American Ginseng
The word Panax comes from the greek word "panakos" meaning "all-cure". American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is traditionally used for energy, stress relief, enhancing the immune system,
adjusting bodily systems and increasing endurance. American ginseng is a yin (cool) tonic, for those who are yang (hot) in nature. It is a long term general tonic used in all seasons for both
sexes and all ages.
American ginseng is classified as an adaptogen. An adaptogen acts to normalize the bodily functions by allowing the body to utilize other substances more efficiently and by helping to eliminate
those substances that are toxic. Ginseng is a whole body tonic to tonify all organs. It also adjusts and enhances their functions by bringing them back into "synch". As a result, ginseng helps to
alleviate stress which is a common cause of illness.
Ginseng can be enjoyed in capsule, extract, extractum, tea, powder, slice or whole root form. Capsules are the most popular way to consume ginseng and are the most convenient. Powders can be used
for baking, cooking or as a tea. Slices can be eaten at any time of day for quick energy. Many people enjoy snacking on the whole root, similar to eating a carrot. American ginseng tea is one of
the most popular and versatile ginseng products. Prepared as a tea, it can be taken hot or cold. American ginseng is also excellent for cooking. Just cut open a tea bag and add the tea cut in
stew, soup, stuffing, stir fry or any other dish.
American GinSeng Whole body Tonic to tonify all organs Helps to allevate stree which is a common cause of illness