Add3/4 teaspoonful ofDiabetea to a cub of boiling water and brew it for about 7 minutes and strain.No sugar to be added .Add milk or sqeeze a few drops of lime for taste. Thosewith sugar level of 200mg. and above,2 cub of Diabetea can be taken per day along with the medicines already beingadministered. Sugar level should be checked up periodically (Preferably once in 7 days)Once normally is attained theother medicines can be discontinued ,gradually. Diabetea should becontinued for minimum period of 3months.
Direction of use:
Diabetea is made combining the medicinal goodness of GymnemaSylvestre herb and Camellia Sinensis. Diabetea is a General Health drink andcan be used by any normal person.Once Diabetea is consumed , the tasete ofsugar will not be evident for at least one hour.If found unpalatable Deabeteacan also be taken orally and washed down with water.
Gymnema Description
People in India have been using the Gymnema Herb as a sugar killerfor centuries Diabetea Control Blood Sugar Level Herb Medicine
Gymnema Herbal Tea / Diabetea
Diabetea is made combining the medicinal goodness of Gymnema Sylvestre herb and Camellia Sinensis. Diabetea is a General Health