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1. For purchases of tea/herbs, lip balm, honey stick and essential oil (up to 2 units each), free delivery by postage within 4 working days.
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This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Yerba Mate is a lightly stimulating beverage from South America that has a mild amount of caffeine with just the right kick. It is one of the worlds most effective and healing beverages with over 196 active compounds which shadows the active compounds found in Green tea (Camellia sinensis) which has about 144. It is diuretic, inotropic (increasing the strength of each heartbeat), chronotropic (making the heart beat faster), glycogenolytic (breaking down stored glycogen in the liver, allowing it to store calories from the next meal), lipolytic (breaking down fats), and analeptic (stimulating the central nervous system). Yerba mate assists weight loss by increasing the transit time of food through the digestive tract, helping users feel fuller, longer. The British Herbal Compendium also recommends Yerba mate for treating fatigue and headache.
Typical Preparations
Traditionally used as a tea, and sometimes available in tea bags, though less effective as such. Combined with damiana and guarana or with green tea
and Cambogia garcinia fruit in ephedra-free weight loss teas.
Parts Used
Dried leaves and leaf fragments, mixtures frequently include flowers.
Tannins, antioxidants, polyphenols, amino acids, saponins, vitamins and flavonoids.
Yerba Mate - Organic (80 gm)
DBS Credit Card Price: SGD 9.90
Merchant: Epitome of Naturalness