Famous as one of the three "world's best teas" (along with Darjeeling & Uva), Keemun black tea became instantly famous when it won the gold medal at the 1915 Panama international exhibition.M&P's Keemun Hao Ya A represents the top 2% of the crop, and comes from the Qimen Shuang Hui Yuan estate, in Anhui Province, China. The name "Hao Ya" means "the earliest picked, most tender, and best quality tea buds," and indeed, only a single bud and occasionally leaf is taken. While extremely time-consuming, this results in a delicate, needle-fine leaf, containing plenty of golden tips. The flavour is complex and offers a sweet fruity aroma and a mellow, smooth, dark taste. This tea can be drunk black or with a small amount of milk, giving different results in each case. It makes an excellent breakfast tea and is also especially renowned as an after-dinner beverage.
Famous as one of the three "world's best teas"