Teas of India (Darjeeling)
TD-001- Orthodox TGFOP Darjeeling : Good whole leaf Darjeeling producing a delicate flavorful brew.
TD-002- Green Darjeeling: This tea a wonderful herbaceous aroma. Unlike fermented Darjeeling teas with green leaf particles this Green Darjeeling is an unfermented tea. Characterized by a fresh
clean taste.
TD-003- FTGFOPI Second Fl. Muscatel: The choicest and most flavourful teas are designated Muscatel. The ethereal aroma of this tea exemplifies this designation.
TD-004-Green FTGFOPIS: The delightful flavor is reminiscent of a Japanese sencha. The bold-leaf style is that of a white tea. Use 2-3 teaspoons per cup and brew with water slightly below the
boiling point for 3-4 minutes.
TD-005-TGBOPI: Here is a chance to savor one of the best teas at an attractive price. A very flavorful cup but keep the steeping time short (about one minute).
TD-006-Darjeeling Oolong: A bold leaf tea with true Oolong character.The affordable price of this tea is quite welcome as Formosa Oolongs become more expensive. An exceptional afternoon cup of
TD-007-Autumnal Silver Needles: Considered a white tea by some tea experts thisspecial production tea has the delicate complex flavor of an exquisite unfermented tea. A connoisseur delight.
TD-008-Darjeeling SFTGFOPI: A highly aromatic tea with honey-colored liquor. Exceptionally smooth and balanced cup.This tea has gained worldwide recognition while prices have remained modest.
TD-009-No.1 Tippy Orthodox GFOP Darjeeling: An exceptional golden tip Darjeeling considered their "best" by a respected British broker.
TD-010-Darjeeling FTGFOPI Premium Blend: A select blend of top grade teas. Flavorful brisk and aromatic Predominately second flush Darjeeling for smoothness with first flush Darjeeling for pungency
and brightness.
TD-011- First Flush FTGFOPI : 1996 was a difficult year for Darjeeling. We consider this an exceptional find. Excellent flavor and aroma. The character is more like second flush Darjeeling. A
"friendly" tea which requires little fuss Great with or without milk.
TD-012-TGFOPI: This affordable selection from a prestigious estate yields a refreshing liquor with subtle minty note. Highly recommended.
TD-013-Darjeeling SFTGFOPI (Select) : This early second flush tea presents a nutty aroma and complex flavor reminiscent of pistachios. One of the best values from a year which produced some
exceptional teas.
TD-014-FTGFOPI DJ-100: Harvested at the optimum time for maximum flavor Darjeeling produces a cup with hints of muscatel and excellent balance of tannin.
TD-015-FTGFOPI DJ-65: Harvested at the optimum time for maximum flavor this exceptional second flush tea has an enticing aroma and rich flavor.
TD-016-FTGFOPI First Flush Muscatel: Bright flavorful cup with excellent aroma. Late first flush tea with character of superb second flush tea. Highly recommended.
TD-017- SFTGFOPI (SP/CL)(2 Flush): An excellent tea with muscatel notes and good balance.
TD-018-SFTGOPI (DJ-1): Occasionally we receive a call from one of the World premier Darjeeling brokers announcing the availability of a truly exceptional Darjeeling tea. We usually have less than
24 hours to bid on the tea. This is one such selection. The infusion is pleasantly astringent the aroma compelling and the flavour full soft and complex. See if you can detect "banana" nuance some
our tasters enjoy.
TD-019-Darjeeling Reserve: Rated one of the best teas of 1997 This bold-leaf style is a hallmark of the finest Darjeeling being produced today. A four minute steeping is recommended if a bit of
milk and sugar is added. Steep a bit less for drinking plain. Exceptional flavor and aroma.
TD-020-Darjeeling Oolong: A delightful new semi-fermented tea. Characteristic Oolong flavor with a unique pungency. Offered at a price that allows every tea lover to experience this special
TD-001- Orthodox TGFOP Darjeeling : Good whole leaf Darjeeling producing a delicate flavorful brew.
Type: | Blended Tea |
Processing Type: | Blended |