en snow sport contains certain value of sugar, recovery energy rapidly which losing in exercise. speeds glycogen restoration and muscle repair with mix carbohydrates, contains electrolytes that help rehydrate your body during and after exercise and rich dietary fibre forms transparent granule floating in drink. it forms the magic character 'cannot be seen, but can be felt'.
drink: en-snow drink is one kind of meals textile fiber drink. The meals textile fiber is one kind the natural nutrient which gains from each kind of natural plant, is been honored as the seventh big nutrient by various countries' nutrition expert. It can supplement effectively the human body needs nutrient content. The meals textile fiber has the help digestion, the cosmetology loses weight and so on many kinds of effects. En-snow drink already was all the rage the world's the high consumption crowd, becomes one kind of brand-new expense fashion.
drink: en-snow drink is one kind of meals textile fiber drink
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