Sell vacuum chambers and vacuum viewports @China (Mainland)

Vacuum chambers are built in a huge variety of shapes and sizes, limited only by application, imagination, and engineering consideration. Chambers range in volume from less than 1 cc to the "world's largest vacuum chamber" at NASA Plumbrook, USA which is 100 ft diameter by 122 ft tall (~3.5 x 1010 cc). 
The more 'standard' vacuum chamber shapes include: box, sphere, cylinder, D-shape, and bell jar. Additional components, used in vacuum chamber construction, include: endplates, and service wells. All are separately discussed to illustrates the strengths of the basic shapes/designs.

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Post by Yuan Renee    Mechanical Parts & Fabrication Services    @2012-04-13 10:06:41

  • Country:China (Mainland)
  • Contact Person:Yuan Renee
  • Company:Wesson Bellowtek Ltd