The Same Quality Level as Glass beads but Value Price!!!
product standard:
1.Appearance:Glass beads are clean
2. specific gravity: 2.23-2.5g/cm3
3.Index of refraction: 1.5-1.55
5.Glass grade: industrial grade glass beads
6.Application: reflective light
7.CAS No:65997-17-3
1 Scope
This specification covers the supply of spherical glass beads suitable for "drop-on" application to road markingpaint for the production of a reflective surface to improve the visibility of the paint film at night.
2 Composition
The glass beads shall be inorganic silicate glass, colourless, clear, transparent, freeflowing, resistant to dilutehydrochloric acid, and when checked by an optical count on a small sample, shall not contain more than 2% ofbeads showing opaqueness, "milkiness", tint, or inclusions.
3 Shape
The glass beads when subjected to test in accordance with RTA (NSW) Test Method T1207, shall contain not less than70% of spherical particles by weight, and the portion retained on the 425 mm Australian Standard Sieve shallcontain not less than 50% of spherical particles by weight of that portion.
4 Size
The glass beads shall comply with the following graduation requirements as prescribed in Table.
5.Packing details
These are available in 25kg light quality HDPE bag. Each bag is clearly marked with:
Name & identification mark of manufacturer-HuaDong Brand
Batch number
Date of manufacture
Color - White
Safe heating & application temperature
Post by Aishah CH Security & Protection @2012-04-28 14:13:10