EVA electrothermic plate bonding machine
The electric heating type film
Splicer-parallel repairs nearby the rain construct
Email id :
candy@sinorubbermach.com Skype id : rubber.machine
PE/EVA electric butt-fusion machine,EVA Welding Machine,Plastic Welding Machine This device applies tot the machine of PE,EVA long plates made of rubber or plastic foaming and bonding them into
infinite length by the way of electric fusion,avoiding the use of glue water.The machine thickness is 20m/m-100m/m,and the butt-fusion hardness is 15°-80°(When SBR and rubber materials are sprayed
with glue,this machine also applies to extrude the materials and bond them into coiled materials)
Post by Candy Zhang Rubber & Plastics @2012-05-14 14:21:42