Modular transformers china, box-type transformer china-sunel transformer . The transformer is a use of the electromagnetic mutual induction voltage, current and impedance transformation devices. The
main function of the transformer: Voltage transformation; current transformation, impedance transformation; isolation; regulator (magnetic saturation transformer). Combined transformer is called the
base type transformer, combined transformer also has the function of the box-type substation. The high-pressure side is equipped with six cable outlet, allows transformer access ring network power
supply system, power supply system composed of a ring network cabinet ring cage or cable branch box. Modular transformers, pedestal-type transformers, or referred to the American box changed all that
with a product, the main transformer, instead of the substation. The box-type transformers are widely used in high-rise buildings, residential area, mines, oil fields, public distribution, railway
stations, docks enterprises and temporary power sites change the distribution use.
Post by Lynn Yang Consumer Electronics @2012-06-06 17:07:33