Sell rutin @Afghanistan


Origin: Ruta graveolens L., & Scphora japonica L.,

Appearance: light yellow needle-like crystal (water), fine yellow powder

Specification: Rutin NF 11, Rutin DAB 10, 95%

Test Method: HPLC


1. Anti-inflammatory Functions

2. Function of vitamin P: keep vascular resistance and lower fat of fatty liver

3. Antivirus

4. Restrain the activity of aldose reductase

5. Prevent stroke, hypertension, retinal hemorrhage, purpura, and acute hemorrhagic nephritis.

Post by Anna Yue    Health & Medical    @2011-08-12 15:43:05

  • Country:Afghanistan
  • Contact Person:Anna Yue
  • Company:西安中辉欣茂进出口有限公司