Sell apple p.e @Afghanistan

Apple P.E

Appearance: Light Brown


Apple Polyphenols 50%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 90%

Phloretin 70%, 90%, 95%, 98%

Phloridzin 4%, 40%, 80%, 90%, 98%

Test Method:HPLC

Packing:25kgs/drum, 5kgs/drum.


Liver Protection: Help heal liver damage and reduced the risk of further damage caused by chemicals such as alcohol and medication.

·Hair Growth: Improve in hair density and no adverse side effects were found

Anti-Aging: Effect against external aging by promoting the health of skin cells and rejuvenation. Effect the Internal aging by promoting organ health, destroying the free radicals and strengthening fibers.

Post by Anna Yue    Health & Medical    @2011-08-12 15:49:30

  • Country:Afghanistan
  • Contact Person:Anna Yue
  • Company:西安中辉欣茂进出口有限公司