Sell l-rhamnose @Afghanistan




Test Method: HPLC

Appearance: white powder

L-rhamnose is called α-L-Rhamnopyranose, 6-Dexoxy-D-mannose , 6-Deoxy-L-mannose , Isodulcite, L-Mannomethylose , D-Rhamnose. Most of Rhamnose in nature is L-Rhamnose , existing in plants as the types of Polysaccharides, glycosides, plant gum and bacterial polysaccharides. Its sweetness is 33% of sugar.

 Function: It widely exist in Rhus toxicodendron as free saccharide, or existing as the type of glycoside and polysaccharidesuch as gum Arabic . L-Rhamnose can be used to test the permeability of intestinal tract, or used as sweeting agent

Post by Anna Yue    Health & Medical    @2011-08-12 16:04:32

  • Country:Afghanistan
  • Contact Person:Anna Yue
  • Company:西安中辉欣茂进出口有限公司