Sell echinacea p. e . @Afghanistan

Echinacea P. E .

Origin: China

Appearance: Fine Yellow-Brown powder

Specification: Cichoric acid 2.0%, 4.0% HPLC

Test Method: HPLC


The clinical experiments have proved that Echinacea Purpurea Extract can strengthen the immunity. Especially, at the early stage of catching cold or influenza. It plays wonderful effects on the patients. It can strengthen the immunity and shorten the fit of the respiratory infection, relieving headache and nose inflammation. The singular prescription can strengthen the immunity within the human boby, resisting against the viral attack.

Post by Anna Yue    Health & Medical    @2011-08-12 16:05:37

  • Country:Afghanistan
  • Contact Person:Anna Yue
  • Company:西安中辉欣茂进出口有限公司