Soda Fountain Machine, Soda Fountain Shop, Beverages Soda, Beverages Machine, Soda Shop Dispenser, Soft Drink Machine, Cold Drink Machine, Soda Maker, Beverages
Dispenser, Soda Vending Machine
Specialities of easy cool soda fountain.
:: Machine operates without Electricity.
:: In low rates as compared to electric Machine.
:: Soda Prepared this Machine is more Stronger and Tastier than that of Electric Machine.
:: This Soda Fountain Machine can easily be kept is a shop, Maruti van, tempo, pedal rickshaw ect…
:: This Soda Fountian Machine can easily taken to the Marriage Ceremony, Party Plot, Special Occasion, Market Place,
:: Street or Residential Area and do the Business.
:: This Soda Fountain Machines is easily repairable any person, special mechanic is not required.
:: Profit margin is more in this Soda Fountain Machine as compared to electric machine.
Post by Khozem Tinwala Food & Beverage @2012-06-25 21:27:25