Sell sunel transformers: third harmonic generation test transformer china @China (Mainland)

sunel Transformers: third harmonic generation test transformer china.sunel production THG test transformer for power transformers, voltage transformers, test items, in addition to frequency high-voltage test of the outside construction fully insulated transformer's main insulation, but also the transformer longitudinal insulation and semi-insulating transformerthe main insulation of induction high-pressure test. Transformer at the rated frequency, rated voltage, the core close to saturation, if the employment frequency test voltage applied is greater than the rated voltage, power in subjects across the transformer winding no-load excitation current to increase dramatically, to not allow the extent of from EMF relationship can be seen, the test voltage applied is greater than the rated voltage, without iron core saturation, can be used to increase the way of the power frequency must be greater than the multiplier of the power generator.

Post by Lynn Yang    Consumer Electronics    @2012-07-09 15:00:47

  • Country:China (Mainland)
  • Contact Person:Lynn Yang
  • Company:Jiangsu Sunel Transformer Co., Ltd