Ru Yi Elephant fengshui
The masterpiece consists of two beautiful trunk-up elephants carring one Ru Yi.
The two elephants are carrying one gold ingot in their hands.
Elephant and Ru Yi is the symbol of good luck, wealth and power.
There is one money frog (also called toad) sitting on lotus flowers on both sides of the Ru Yi. In China, money frogs are auspicious symbols of good fortune, It is said to be most conducive to attract wealth.
In the middle of the Ru Yi, there is one round ball with double jumping fishes, which represnt wealth and abundance.
The dimension of this piece is: 29cm long, 6.5cm wide and 15 cm high.
Material: color crystalPost by zheng lili Gifts & Crafts @2011-08-26 18:31:35