Feng Shui Dragon Turtle has the head of dragon and the body of turtle. Turtle is a creature that can live up to several thousand years. It symbolizes longevity. The
dragon symbolizes career success and courage.
It is sitting on a base coins to represent prosperity and wealth.
One little baby turtle on the back also represents good beginning and wonderful descendants' luck.
You can use this symbol as a paperweight. Place it on your desk either in the north or east sector but not if this is directly in front of you. Try to have it by the side of you. You can also place this symbol behind where you sit to signify that you have the support of both the dragon and the tortoise.
The dimension of this piece is 11.5cm long, 8.5cm wide and 10.5cm high.
Material: color crystal
Post by zheng lili Gifts & Crafts @2011-08-26 18:37:23