Sell frozen vegetables frozen carrot @China (Mainland)

Ingredient Specifications For Frozen Carrot

General Description:  Processing carrotsare to be prepared from whole, fresh, sound rawmaterials that is free from all toxic residues and taints, which  are washed, blanched, sorted, drained, freezed and packed.  All vegetables are grown and processed in China. The final product shall comply  with all currentUSDA standardand E.C. Food Legislation.


Precessing: The carrotsare delivered fresh to the factory, each load is sampled and assessed forforeign material and physical defects. The load is then cleaned, frozen and filled into bulk palletainers.The carrots are sampled and assessed against specification.  The palletainers are thenlabelled and transferred to the cold store, where they are stored at –20°C until required for packing.


Type: Stripes, Dices, Cuts, Whole

Size:  Strips 4*4mm x 4-5cm, 5*5mm x 5cm,

            Dices 10 x 10 x 10mm

            Cuts  4-6g, 6-8g, 8-10g 

Quality Control:             

Checks are carried out on the following:

Processing: Raw material

Final Product


Packing: Metal detection

Final product physical defect levels


Case sealing

Case coding and print quality ,Check weighing


Post by wei na    Food & Beverage    @2011-10-24 16:39:28

  • Country:China (Mainland)
  • Contact Person:wei na