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Absorbent Cotton or Medical Surgical Cotton is the natural cotton processed for use in health care industry, beauty care and cosmetic industry. It is processed either by chemical or by enzyme for better absorbency and water/fluid retaining purpose.  It is specially manufactured as per standards laid by British, Indian & United States Pharmacopia (BP/IP/USP).

Absorbent Cotton also known as surgical cotton is available in various forms and sizes. We can supply this product in 25 gm to 500 gm as per IP and 1000 gm in non IP grades. We also manufacture and supply cotton balls and zig zag cotton as per specification.
Medical Cotton we supply is high quality cotton, bleached to white, free from naps and hygienically packed for better and proper use.

Post by Dr Chetan Pinrani    Health & Medical    @2011-11-02 03:29:08

  • Country:India
  • Contact Person:Dr Chetan Pinrani
  • Company:Jimit Enterprise