It is one kind of Brown Aluminium Oxide grains with blocky grain shape and high bulk density. To get this kind of product, we treat the regular grains at a medium high temperature to give a light
blue colour, the purpose is to renovate the crack on the surface and interior of crystal and then to improve the toughness and durability of the grains. As an abrasive, the AE-17HM is mainly used in
making vitrified and organic bonded grinding wheels. The cost of AE-17HM is more economic than AE-17H. Typical Chemical Analysis Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 SiO2 CaO 95.84% 0.06% 2.40% 0.93% 0.22% Physical
Properties Color Light blue Shape Blocky, tough and sharp Crystal Form Alpha-alumina trigonal system True Specific Gravity 3.96 g/cm3 Hardness 2090 Knoop scale; 9.0 Mohs scale Melting Temperature
About 2050
Post by Chang Hongbo Mechanical Parts & Fabrication Services @2012-12-06 03:23:41