Designed to intermediate proofing of
dough pieces after deviding
Variable pre-proving times from 4 to 22 minutes.
Electrical flour sprinkling device
Ultra-violet light.
Automatic loading and unloading of pieces
The intermediate provers are available in 2 basic shapes:-
The Box prover which is an up and down transportation of the dough products in pockets, the size only being restricted by the ceiling height of the bakery. This shape of prover usually takes up more floor space but is a more cost effective design.
The L shaped prover (known as an up and over) has a small base frame where the products are loaded into the prover and then they are transported in pockets up and then over the top of the downstream bakery equipment. Legs support the section of prover above the downstream bakery equipment. This prover is a more complex design but the footprint is kept to a minimum. If you have any question, Pls contact :tonglin510(at) My Yahoo ID is lisa5771945(at) my Skype ID is tonglin510.
Post by Lisa Dong Manufacturing & Processing Machinery @2011-11-14 14:40:08