Sell toner cartridge parts wiper blades for ex ,bx,px,wx,vx @China (Mainland)

Toner Cartridge Parts wiper Blades for EX BXPXWXVX   

Laser Toner Cartridge Parts doctor Blade EX BXPXWXVX


1.blade model : EX BXPXWXVX Toner Cartridge Parts doctor blade

1.      printer model : HP LaserJet4/4M/4plus/5/5M/5N ,HP 4V/4MV ,HP 4L/4P/4ML/4MP, HP 5Si/8000/5SIM/5SIMX, LJ5P/P/6P/6MP Toner Cartridge Parts wiper blade

2.      cartridge model : E16WB,PX/WB 92298A, C3900A, 92274A, C3909A, C3903A wiper blade LASERJET PRINTER PARTS

4. package : netural packing


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Skype: toner.chip

Company: Printer Color Technology Co.LTD


We are a trusted manufacture of toner chip, and a reseller of OPC drum, printer drum, toner cartridge, ink cartridge, doctor wiper blade(doctor blade, toner wiper blade, printer wiper blade, new doctor blade). Our website: We have some doctor blade and wiper blade as follows:



Hp Doctor Blade and Wipe Blade:

Laser printer blade for HP 5L/6L/LJ3100/LJ3150------------wiper blade toner cartridge parts HP C3906A

wiper blade HP(5L/6L/HP1100/39DB) ----------------------- HPC3906A,C4092A

toner cartridge blade HP 1010/1012/1015/1018/1020/3015------------HP Q2612A

,printerbladeHP1010 WB--------HP Q2612

,wiperblade-HP1000/3320/1220/1200---------------------------HP 7115A

Laser printer blade HP1200 WB----------------------------------HP 7115A

compatibledoctor blade HP 1005/1006/P1505N/P1005N----------------HP 435/436/388

printing doctor blade HP 1005/1006/P1505N/P1005N---------------HP 435/436/388 

cartridge blade HP LaserJet2030/2035/2055/2050--------------HP CE505A

wiper blade -HP LaserJet2030/2035/2055/2050---------------HP CE505A

toner cartridge blade HP 1320/1160/3390/3392-------------------------HP Q5949A

wiper blade , HP 1320/1160/3390/3392-------------------------HP Q5949A    

compatible doctor blade ,HP 1215/CP1515n/1518ni/131--------------------HP CB540

wipe blade -HP 1215/CP1515n/1518ni/131-------------------HP CB540        

printingdoctorblade HPLaserJetProCP1025-----------HPCE310A/CE311A/CE312A/CE313A


toner cartridge blade HP 5000/5100/5100tn-------------------------------HP C4129X

wiper blade HP C4129X

Laser printer blade HP 5200-------------------------------------------------HP 7516A

Laser printer blade HP 5200-------------------------------------HP 7516A

doctor blade HP 2100/2100M/2100TN/2200------------------HP C4096A

printing doctor blade HP2100 WB-----------------------HP C4096A/7551/255X

tonercartridgebladeHP 2410/2420/2430------------------------------HP6511A/7551/255X

compatible doctor blade HP 6511A

LASER PRINTER PARTS printerbladeHP 1600/2600/2605/CM1015/1017MFP     ---Q6000A/6001A/6002A/6003A

compatible doctor blade HP2600 WB         

compatible doctor blade HP4000 WB--------------------HP 4000/4050    C4127X

printing doctor blade  HP4000/2100 DB         

doctor blade HP LaserJet 4100/4100MFP/4101MFP----------8061X

printing doctor blade HP4100/2100DB             

printing doctor blade HP4200/4300/4345MFP--------------------HPQ1338A/1339A /5942A

LASER PRINTER PARTS toner cartridge blade  HP4200/4300 DB

toner cartridge doctor blade HP LaserJet4/4M/4plus/5/5M/5N---------------------hp 92298A

toner cartridge doctor blade -HP 4V/4MV--------------------------------------HPC3900A

doctor wiper blade  HP 4L/4P/4ML/4MP--------------------------------HP 92274A


LASERPRINTERPARTSdoctor blade HP 5Si/8000/5SIM/5SIMX------------------------HP C3909A

toner cartridge doctor blade HP LJ5P/P/6P/6MP       --------------------HP C3903A

VX DB       



Brother Doctor Blade and Wipe Blade:


compatible doctor blade brother HL2040/2045/2070/2075-------------brother TN350

printingdoctorbladebrother 1030/1230/1240/12501270----------------------TN430

printerbladeBROTHER HL 4040/4050/4070/9045/9440/9840 ------------TN110

doctor wiper blade for BROTHER HL 4040/4050/4070/9045/9440/9840 ---------TN115

PRINTERPARTSprinterbladeBROTHER HL-2230/2240/2240D/2270DW---------------------TN 450

printer wiper blade TN 420

laser printer wiper blade HL 3145/3150/5240/5250/5280----------------TN580

printer wiper blade SamsungML

1610/2010/4521/Dell 1100/Xerox 3117----------ML1610

Post by Lisa wang    Office & School Supplies    @2011-11-15 17:20:39

  • Country:China (Mainland)
  • Contact Person:Lisa wang
  • Company:南昌印彩电子科技有限公司