Air Curtain / Duct Line
An Air Curtain is a modern device which when installed on a door forms an invisible curtain of continuous air which restrict the escape of conditioned air and also prevent entry of outside hot, humid, dirty and unwanted polluted air.
Enviro Tech Air Curtains are available in two configuration (both vertical and horizontal) and 4 different velocities. They are suited for door opening ranging from 2. 5 ft. (0mm) wide to 8 ft. (2. 44 mtrs) wide and invelocities ranging from 7 m/sec. Or above as per customer requirements. These velocities are divided in 4 different groups for the convenience of our customers which are as below :
Normal Velocity : (7 to 9 m/sec. ) air curtain of this range generally used for internal doors, windows and such spaces where the outside wind velocity is not very high.
High Velocity : (10 to 12 m/sec. ) this is the most popular range of velocity for the air curtains required by the customers. This is used for internal as well as external doors.
Extra Velocity : (13 to 15 m/sec. ) air curtains in this velocity range are used for external door where outside wind velocity is very high or where it is very important that no dust insects or flies should enter.
Special Purpose : ( 13 m/sec or above). these air curtains are special purpose type and are made according to specific requirements of valued customers. These are ideally suited for dairies, food processing units or other application where it is extremely important that no outside air should enter the premise.
Technical Specifications
Cabinets Material Used :
(a) Cold Rolled Mild Steel : 16 swg for base plate.
18 swg for body
20 swg for grille
(b) Galvanized Iron Sheet: 20 swg for blower housing.
Interior Finish: anti rust treatment primer paint.
Exterior Finish: power coating
Fan & Motors: the multiblade forward curved centrifugal type al. Fan dynamically balanced are driven by extended motor shaft.
Application : air curtain have numerous uses right from cutting down the electricity bills to prevention of entry of unwanted insects,files,hot,humid air etc, & popularly used by offices departmental stores,garment manufactures,cold storage,hotel,restaurants,kitchens,bakeries,dairies
pharmaceutical plants, textile mills,cement plants; and all those industries where surrounding air contains high dust concentrations such as coal and light mines, steel plants, foundries cement plant and other similar industries.
How To Order: while sending your requirements or for enabling us to suggest suitable air curtains,
please send us the following information:
1. Size of door.
2. Clear space available above and sides of door opening.
3. Frequency of door.
4. Purpose for which your place is being used.
5. Position of door and appropriate wind velocity.
Company works under the leadership of Mr.RPSHARMA Phone 9871034100,22483365,22083434 Email.,,
Post by RP SHARMA General Industrial Equipment @2012-12-13 12:53:43