Sell the bedding set @China (Mainland)

Pitch Warman was born out of his parents' room disputes over what kind of sheets to buy queen-size bed. Glen Warman wanted crisp cotton sheets. Linda Warman is a kind of flannel women.

       The family bed linen was hotly contested discussion on the kitchen table when Alex, who is in a class taught by Jennifer Tym business, decided that there was a Solomonic way to keep parents in conflict to peace - divide two types of materials in half. The result is the He-leaves, and the prototype sewn by the grandmother of Alex Ashford Lucie. Half of the fitted bed sheet and top sheet of bedding set is made of cotton from his father and the other half is a flannel for your mom. The covers are reversible cotton flannel on one side and side.

Post by shanshan Du    Textiles & Leather Products    @2011-11-22 09:10:50

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  • Contact Person:shanshan Du
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