And there are one of the main drivers of
the trend for companies to buy coffee machines for your employees - a
workforce that is well caffeine is often very productive. In addition,
fewer hours are lost for biting staff, to the nearest cafe.
"Also, I think having an espresso coffee machine
quality in an office environment created by the staff who
are highly motivated and committed to their work," says Chronis Tas, vice-president of the Merchants Association of Australia coffee Marcilla and CEO of coffee. "They know that management cares about
them and what they will be much more faithful to change."
Our growing coffee culture is driving the demand for labor. Nielsen
market research reports one in four people in Sydney, one in five people in Melbourne and one in eight people in
Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth to visit cafes between four and seven times a week.
Post by shanshan Du Consumer Electronics @2011-11-22 10:16:31