If you are looking for on the ground, once again
check the wind direction and take into account when configuring. Try to
be above the road with the wind blowing in your face. Deer stalking, walked slowly into the wind. This not only eliminate the
smell but will also minimize the sound.
You've read about all types of odors and attracts in the market.
Almost all of them are just marketing gimmicks. This does not mean, however, can
not do anything to hide or reduce odor footprint. Rubber boots will not absorb as much as the smell of leather.
Keep your hunting boots and outdoor equipment
in a box full of pine or cedar boughs. Keep them in the trunk and
the lights just before heading into the woods.
Linen absorbs odor, which requires manufacturers to avoid detection kit human odors, just not working. Based on 42 clinical
trials concluded that the smell fits the coated carbon absorption
was little or no effect on the dog's ability to track humans. Deer urine, soaps and other products have a marginal value and
certainly not worth the money they ask for.
If you take the time to set up his deer stand properly, the figure of a
way in and out of it that does not cross the track of the deer, and
you take care to keep clothing as free as possible outside of odors
humans, which dramatically increases your chances.
Post by shanshan Du Shoes & Accessories @2011-11-22 13:41:11