A product use
This product is high precision measurement products, usually and display instrument, recording instrument, computer and other supporting use, use multilevel diameter changes, tapered casing, the
activities of thread, standard thread card interface, general interfaces. Apply to equipment shallow temperature measurement and appearance of pipe internally, machine bearing bush internal
temperature measurement. Imported film platinic resistance adopts precise assembly and into. Shock resistant, high temperature resistant, good stability, water proofing property is good, high
precision, reliability, long life of products, stainless steel shell production, beautiful and tasteful.
Two product features
"Product performance meet IEC751 / EN60751 and JIS relevant standards;
"Appearance design temperature with the provisions of the platinum resistance;
"High-precision PT100, PT1000 platinum resistor component;
Schematic diagram objects
"Product assembly design, the seismic performance is good;
"High mechanical strength, compression performance is good;
"Import thin film resistance components, reliable and steady performance;
"Compact structure, installation is convenient;
"Standard connectors, screw press meet, convenient field wiring;
"Good sealing and waterproof, allowing for a long time measurement water and other liquid temperature;
"All product testing packaging factory.
Post by Last Name Cathy Measurement & Analysis Instruments @2013-01-09 04:54:00