Sell vehicle 3g gps dvr tracker controlled by 3g phone @China (Mainland)

Vehicle 3G GPS DVR Tracker Controlled by 3G phone

a. Use USIM card
b. Support WCDMA 3G network and GSM network
c. Support SMS/GPRS/HSDPA/Internet data transportation(GPS/Internet will be Illustrated in addition)
d. Use video ropes to connect CCD simulated camera externally
e. Mainly used in monitoring and locating the ship and train.and infleet management of moving car and truck.
1. Switch between “track” mode ”monitor” mode
a.“track”(locate mode)is default statue,all the alarming messagewill be send every 3 minutes.
b. send SMS“#monitor# “to the unit,it will reply“monitorok!”,changing to 3G monitor mode. In 3G monitor mode, the alarmsystem will inform the master by incoming video call or voice call.
2. Locate Car on google map
a. When dialing the device with an authorized No, it will hang upand reply a real-time Geo-info to authorized mobile phone NO, clickthe URL link in the positioning message, can view the location mapof the product.
b. send SMS“#auto#030s#005n#”to the device, it will report theGeo-info at 30s intervals for 5
times.(s: second, m: minute, h: hour). The setting must be in 3Arabic numbers and at maximum 255 in value.
3. Incoming Video call Alarm(Both GPS mode and 3G mode available)
The device will detect whether it is the administrator or user whenincoming video calls, if not, it will hang up; if it is theadministrator or any user of the number , while the link will beestablished, it could send real-time monitoring of images and soundat this time.
4. Incoming Voice call Alarm(only 3G mode available)
The device will detect whether it is the administrator or user whenvoice call incoming, if not, it will hang up; the device will beautomatically connected after 6 rings if it is the number ofadministrator or any user, and you could talk with each other atthis time.
5.Movement alarm
The user can send SMS “#move#” to the unit, and then the unit willreply“move alarm setting successfully!” In case of such a movementsurpass 200 meters; it will reply SMS “Move+ the Geo-info to theauthorized Mobile numbers. It will send an alarm SMS every 3minutes when it surpass the limits.)
6.Urgent alarm
Press the SOS for 3 second; it will send SMS “help me! + Geo-info”to all the authorized numbers every 3 minutes. It will stop sendingsuch a SMS when any authorized number reply SMS “#help#” to thetracker.
7.low power alarms
The device will send SMS “low battery+Geo-info”to all theauthorized numbers in 30 minutes intervals when the voltage isabout 3.4V.
8.External input alarm
The user can customize the types of alarm triggered. For exampletrigger by
touching the car door or trunk.
Remark: it must be in arming statue.
9.Check IMEI
Send SMS “#imei#” to the device
10.Modify time
Send SMS: “#time#time zone#”,it will reply “time is setsuccessfully”if it is successfully set.
11. Set 3G video call center number
12. Switch NTSC or PAL format of external CCD camera
13. Switch between External camera 1 and camera 2
It is necessary to set by sending the message ahead of time orsoftware GPRS when host machine links two cameras and mobile phonecan only link one.
Camera 1: #switch#1#”Camera 2 :#switch#2#” if set successfullyreply“Switch camera 1 successfully” or reply “Switch camera 2successfully”
14. Can track your cars on internet and can see video and picturerecorded by car 3G GPS Tracker. This is unique and the mostadvanced function. Can track your car anywhere in your country.Amazing!!!
15. GPRS setting, FTP setting.
16. Set APN

Post by Bella Zheng    Security & Protection    @2013-01-27 09:20:43

  • Country:China (Mainland)
  • Contact Person:Bella Zheng
  • Company:Swift Export Company Limited