Hongyi Precision Industrial Inc. Web: www.hongyiinc.com E-mail: pauling.du@hongyiinc.com
① Can connect 8 channels of PT100 sensors;
② High capacity of data storage ( the maximum record capacity is 8000);
③ 128*64 LCD; display of real-time temperature value and real-time curve, history curve;
④ Connect with HY data logger via RS232;
⑤ Has temperature alarm and alarm output.
Sensor: 8-PT100(DIN 43670 standard, б=0.00385); the standard data logger does not include sensors.
Display accuracy:0.1
Display: LCD 128x64, blue backlight and white characters.
Alarm relay output: 3A/250VAC
Record cycle: 1-9999 min.
Storage capacity:8000 sample points
Power supply:230VAC,12.5Ma
Post by Pauling Du Measurement & Analysis Instruments @2011-12-15 14:24:50