UAU is an offshore software development company located in Delhi, the heart of India has developed an UAU solution exclusively for manufacturers & distributors. UAU solution can help manufacturering & distributoring companies in optimizing the use of their resources. It can help in drastically cutting down Material Wastages, Inventory shortages, delivery pilferages, and help in greatly improving productivity, Customer service, Quality Control, and client’s delivery etc
If you are looking for such an exercise, UAU has custom solutions just for the purpose. We are partnered with ZOHO which is one of the leading providers of on-demand CRM Software all over the world. We help companies decide on the right on-demand CRM solutions and services, helping companies increase profitability by improving customer value and reducing operating costs. UAU can help you streamline your customer service processes to ensure consistently high service levels, quick response times, accountability and problem resolution.
Once implemented across various departments of an organization, UAU Solutions for Manufacturering companies & Distributors help in greatly streamlining processes and reducing running costs related to the business. This major benefit is actually achieved through a better co-ordination among the various departments of an organization. This improved co-ordination actually helps in improving overall efficiencies of the business for which the ERP solution is being implemented.
Some of the key benefits of this system include mower operating costs, better inventory management & better preparation for contingencies, reduced production costs and reduced marketing costs as well.
The other key advantage of ERP implementation is the better Management of everyday schedules which is actually achieved by better control of the participating processes working in an organization. ERP’s major contribution actually comes in the form of a better database support, which helps the organization’s management in deciding about the course of action in a timely and organized manner
Resource Planning is indeed the most fundamental step towards an organization’s success in the business. And ERP is just about this very crucial factor of a business activity. It also helps in putting the available resources to their most optimum use, thus resulting in increased productivity of an organization. And a better planned system always create better scope of refined strategic planning by the management, who can do so with the effective support of UAU’ssolutions already in place in an organization.
Post by umesh pandi Business Services @2013-02-15 12:09:07