cas 21967-41-9
Mf C21H18O11
Main function:
It is known to be anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is the body response to irritation, injury, or infection. It usually includes pain, redness, and swelling in the area of the damage and it can
occur within body tissues as well as on the surface of the skin. Both oral and topical forms of scullcap are being tested to treat inflammatory conditions that range from dermatitis to inflammatory
bowel disease.
Pharmacological effects:
With the original disease-resistant microorganisms, and enhance the body immunity, antipyretic, sedative, antihypertensive, hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective and choleretic and antispasmodic,
anti-oxidation and other effects, for the wet temperature, chest vomiting and nausea , heat swelling of the liver full, diarrhea and dysentery,yellow carbuncle, Hyperactivity of cough, high fever
polydipsia, canker swelling pain, uneasy movement.
skype nancynancy2614
Post by Nancy Zhhou Chemicals @2013-02-26 09:23:32