Sell sell abstract oil painting @China (Mainland)

To the Unknown Voice

100% hand made Oil Painting Reproductions On Canvas

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
Style: Expressionism
Year: 1916
Museum: Musee National d'Art Moderne, Paris, France
Original size: 6.2 x 9.3 inch (15.8 x 23.7 cm)
Article No.:WK009


*Our painting reproductions will be on quality artist's oil and canvas.

*Finished painting will be deliver unstretched to minimize any possible damages

*The canvas is rolled up and packed

*Usually the estimated delivery time is 7-15days from date of order.

Post by Joy Su    Home & Garden    @2012-01-01 00:30:46

  • Country:China (Mainland)
  • Contact Person:Joy Su
  • Company:厦门鸿泰油画有限公司