Electro Galvanized Iron Wire
Electro galvanized iron wire is also known as electric galvanized iron wire or galvanized iron wire. Our company can supply electric galvanized wire at diameter ranging from 0.14mm to 5.0mm, which
can be supplied in the form of coils, spools, U type wire or straightened and cut into tie wire. The ranging from BWG8# to BWG16# is the mostly used for customers. We also offer thinner galvanized
wire down to BWG5# or up to BWG28#. Single coil package for electro galvanized iron wire can be as small as 10 kg and up to maximum 1000 kg per coil. Electro galvanized iron wire has the
characteristics of thick zinc coating, good corrosion resistance, firm zinc coating and so on.
The main materials of electro galvanized iron wire is galvanized wire, mild steel wire and carbon steel wire.
Production Process:
We produce superior electro galvanized wire with careful control of every processes from steel rod coil, wire drawing, annealing, rust removing, acid washing, boiling, drying and galvanizing to
wire coiling.
Electro galvanized iron wire is mainly used in construction, making of wire nails and wire ropes, binding of flowers and weaving wire mesh. It is also widely used as tie wire which is binding
flowers in gargen and yard.
Forms of Supply:
Electro galvanized iron wire can be supplied in the form of coil wire, spool wire or further processed into straightened cut wire or U type wire.
Post by bill wong Minerals & Metallurgy @2012-01-07 10:52:31