Sell stamping jacket gasket @China (Mainland)

Manufactured by stamping machine, full piece.
> For gas mains, heat exchangers, pressure vessels, pumps, etc.
> Wide choice of jacketed and filler materials

Stamping jacket gasket stamping by punch machines, the gasket with soft pliable core, surrounded by a metal jacket that totally or partially encloses the filler material. Partition bars can be incorporated , integrally or welded into the gasket. Whole face gaskets have perfect sealing stability.

Typical applications:
> Heat exchangers
> Gas mains
> Boiler and fues
> Pumps.
> Valve bonnets

Jackets: Soft iron, low carbon steel, stainless steel, nickel, copper, aluminium, brass, titanium, monel, etc.
Filler: Expanded graphite, ceramic, PTFE, etc.

How to order?
Please note whole face gasket without welding.
To industry, national and international standards, or customer specification.
Materials of jacket and filler selected to suit operating conditions.

Post by steven hung    General Industrial Equipment    @2012-01-12 15:20:32

  • Country:China (Mainland)
  • Contact Person:steven hung
  • Company:宁波圣威密封材料有限公司