We are major supplier of custom mix Topical Anti Static Coating used for plastics sheets, gloves,IC trays, reels, tubes,packaging materials, foams and fabric.
Our products are very price competitive, wide applications and easy to use.Application is dip, wipe , spray or sponge on.No special curing process required.
Product is fully ISO 9001:2008 certified and meets US EOS/ESD standards, as set by NFPA & MIL B-81705 including requirements set in Military Handbook DOD-HDBK- 263.
For more product specification & information, kindly email rvcustser at gmail dot com.Samples will be provided at no charge.
Anti Static Solutions /Coating
Recall Ventures Anti static solution solves static control problems related to the attraction of dirt, dust and bacteria to all environmental surfaces, plastic products and product packaging.
On a hard surface, 1 gallon of Anti Static Solution will cover appx 1,000-1,500 square feet.
1 gallon bottle/4 gallons per case
Our Anti Static is light duty solution for low friction surfaces and clear high gloss materials. Used for all work surfaces, trays, tote bags, PC boards, Plastics, Dip Tubes, components, storage bins carriers, packaging, film and hard floors.
Toxicity and material safety: In ready to use form, is non toxic by oral ingestion, inhalation, or dermal application: and is not a primary skin or major eye irritant. It is non-flammable, completely stable and will not deteriorate after long periods in storage.
When properly applied, it complies with or exceeds all electrostatic decay criteria established for anti-static performance as set forth by NFPA and MIL B-81705, when tested in accordance with Federal Test Standard 101B, Method 4046.
Post by Tan SL Chemicals @2012-01-13 10:28:26