Sell ecosuper xl - general cleaner degreaser @Malaysia

EcoSuper X products provide powerful alternatives to hazardous, toxic, corrosive and flammable chemicals used in cleaning, degreasing, sanitising and odour control. With water based solutions specifically formulated using advanced colloidal/surface science technology, the EcoSuper X product range is pre-optimised for industrial, commercial and domestic applications.

EcoSuper XL is a super concentrate general cleaner degreaser that dilutes with water in various strengths for multiple applications from general floor to ceiling cleaning through to degreasing and waste remediation.

EcoSuper XL will emulsify fats, grease, lipids, oils, proteins and sugars and can be used safely in food processing and preparation areas.

EcoSuper XL is also beneficial for odour control outside food processing areas. Discharging EcoSuper XL into systems by either cleaning down equipment or dosing periodically will assist in the elimination of odours from discharge point through to grease traps and ponds.

EcoSuper XL is safe for septic and grey water systems and suitable to recycle as grey water for irrigation purposes.

EcoSuper XL contains non-corrosive inhibitors and can reduce the costly maintenance of equipment due to corrosion from highly caustic and hazardous substances.

Our team of distributors can provide a solution to assist companies to meet their environmental and OH&S responsibilities for all cleaning & degreasing applications.

EcoSuper XL will assist in optimising operations by simplifying safety systems and staff training; reduce chemical loads and hazardous storage concerns, and increase product efficiencies across the board.

EcoSuper XL sets new industry standards and REAL benefits for those responsible for work safe cleaning practices and will improve OH&S by reducing staff exposure to potentially harmful chemicals with no listed carcinogens, toxins, hazardous substances or reproductive toxicants

  • Provide superior performance and rinse ability for timely cleaning
  • Maximise cost-effectiveness with super concentrate
  • Safely use in food processing areas and control odours outside of food processing areas
  • Rapidly biodegrade, enhance biological degradation and improve sewer conditions
  • Protect our land and water resource with no sodium,phosphate or environmentally incompatible substances
  • Reduce pollution and carbon emissions through use of concentrates
  • Protect equipment from corrosion
  • Improve operating systems

Post by Melissa Janssen    Environment    @2012-01-13 15:23:22

  • Country:Malaysia
  • Contact Person:Melissa Janssen
  • Company:Charmnote Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd