sunel quality merchants, Dry type transformer china, transformer leading manufacturers sunel new Special Transformer Co., Ltd. Dry type transformer a high-quality cold-rolled grain-oriented silicon
steel sheet, core silicon steel sheet using a 45-degree miter joints, flux along the silicon steel sheet seams direction, winding temperature exceeds the insulation withstand temperature dielectric
breakdown cause transformer One of the main reasons is not working properly. Dry type transformer from the main distribution transformers, transformer, excitation transformer, the subway traction
rectifier transformer, furnace transformer of large current nuclear power plants, marine and oil platforms with special transformers and power station plant The multipurpose field development. sunel
Dry type transformer is a commonly used form of direct contact of the body with the atmosphere, to adapt in a relatively dry and clean room, the structure is simple. sizes small. applicable to the
smaller-capacity transformer.
Post by Lynn Yang Consumer Electronics @2013-03-21 03:53:38