Sell acrylic plastic sheet @China (Mainland)

acrylic plastic sheet (PMMA) main characteristics are:

·         Strong and rigid

·         Tough

·         Easily machined

·         Easily bonded and welded

·         Resistant to most alkalis and weak acids

·         High heat distortion temperature

·         Very good electrical insulator

·         Excellent formability

·         Relatively low water absorption


The preferred fields for the use of ABS are, mechanical engineering, pipes and fittings in drains, waste and vent tubes, telecommunications industry, business prototyping and modeling, packaging machinery, and dispensing machinery.


The most popular applications for this product are:

·         Pipes and fittings

·         Textile spools

·         Handles

·         Domestic appliances

·         Radio and stereo equipment

·         Insulators

·         Prototype models

·         Trays


Information to be used as a guide only. It corresponds with our current knowledge and indicates possible applications. We cannot guarantee suitability for a specific application. Unless otherwise stated these values represent averages taken from injection moulded samples.


Post by action xu    Chemicals    @2012-01-19 15:16:27

  • Country:China (Mainland)
  • Contact Person:action xu
  • Company:广州恩齐尼迩有限公司