MK Exports India is leading Manufacturer and wholsale Suppliers of Agarwood oil,Oudh,Chips and Agar Attars.There are fifteen species in of the Aquilariq genus
and eight are known to produce Agarwood. In theory of agarwood can be produced from all members, however, untill recently it was primarily produced from A-malaccensis, A-agallocha and A-secondania
are sgnongms for A- malaccensis , A-crassna and A-sinensis are the other two member of the genus that are useally harvested.Formation of agarwood occurs in the trunk and root that been infected by a
parasite ascomgcetous mold.Phaeoacremonium parasistica.A dematiaceous (Dark-walled) fungus. As response the tree produces a resin high in bolatile organic compounds that aids in supperesing or
retarding the fungal growth while the uneffected wood of the tree is relatively light in color the resin dramatically increases the mass and density of the affected wood.changing its color from a
pale being to dark brown or black. In natural forest only about 7 % of the trees are infected by the fungus.A common method in artoficial forestry is to inocabte the trees with the fungus
Physio-Chemical Properties Of Agarwood Oil :-
Brown semi solid
Dark Brown to Bark yellow
Aromatic Sweet,Spicy fresh odour.
Boiling point
95 degree C
Flesh point
170 degree C
Freezing point
22 degree C
You can find ingradient smell of agarwood oil with put the all at sunlight per day.
Uses :-Agarwood pure oi
l is one of the most sacred and valuable oil,
which is used for motivation, meditation, spirituality, clarity and enlightenment. It is one of the most treasured incens e ingredient and has been used in many religious traditions. Agarwood has
been used to fight against various diseases and is even used in aromatherapy sessions as it invokes deep sense of relaxation. Resin is also used in perfumery, as a flavor for curries and also as an
ingredient in local wines. People use natural agarwood oil for various other purposes like for transmutation of ignorance, enhancing mental clarity and for bringing energy to calm the mind and
Post by Manish Kumar Beauty & Personal Care @2011-07-09 11:43:07