The Containerized (Integrated) Water Treatment Plant(CWTP) is one of the
latest innovations developed by the Beijing IWHR Corporation (BIC). This product is divided into two series for sewage (wastewater) treatment and the water purification(drinking water) purposes. The plant size varies to accommodate differences in water processing volume and container
size. The plant size varies to accommodate differences in water processing volume and container size.connect with ygc.bic(at) for more detail...
This process can effectively remove colloid in raw water, microorganisms, toxic and harmful ions which is harm to people’s health, reduce turbidity, so that product meet the water quality
standard.After analysis of economy and technic and experience, we will adopt this process line. We deep comprehend the customer’s requirement,for example disinfection is an extremely simple and
economical manner, but some area is extremely short of raw materials, and the transport circumstance is unthinkable, transport time will be very long, and any chemicals have a certain shelf-life
(only the pharmaceutical shelf-life six months or 12 months). According to the actual situation , ozone disinfection system is suitable. The ozone disinfection system works steadily provided with
power and air, without the use of chemicals to facilitate health, safety and reliability.
Mining Camps
Military Camps
Construction Camps
Areas accessible by air only
ForeignAid Missions
Temporary water supply during plant shutdown periods.
Supply of municiple water from alternate sources during droughts.
Reduction in salinity for potable drinking water supplies.
Post by guochao yang Environment @2012-01-30 15:00:29